
  1. 合规至关重要: Follow PRF 和 ARP reporting 和 auditing guidelines to stay out from under fines.
  2. 所有文档: Record everything accurately regarding COVID-19-related losses of income 和 expenses.
  3. 提前做好准备: For seamless reporting 和 auditing, use internal controls, follow policies, consult experts.


Are you prepared to meet the stringent reporting 和 audit requirements for the 提供者救济基金 和 American Rescue Plan (ARP)? 合规 with these programs is crucial for healthcare providers looking to avoid penalties 和 ensure the proper use of funds. 有大量的资金支持, underst和ing 和 adhering to the requirements is essential to maximize the benefits 和 protect your organization.

PRF报告门户 现于第七报告期(RP7)开放. 你是否应该得到PRF或ARP农村支付总额超过10美元,在1月1日到6月30日之间, 2023, 你必须在9月30日前披露资金使用情况, 2024, 11点59分.m. ET.

违规行为将受到处罚, 但有特殊情况的医疗服务提供者可以要求一次性延期. 那些收入超过75万美元的人必须通过合规审计.


提供者救济基金 是为了在COVID-19大流行期间协助医疗保健提供者而创建的. 通过冠状病毒援助、救济和经济安全 (关心), the Department of Health 和 Human Services (HHS) distributed funds to qualified providers for healthcare-related expenses 和 lost revenues due to COVID-19 和 to reimburse for testing 和 treating uninsured individuals with COVID-19. Over $134 billion in funds have been distributed through various phases of general, 有针对性的, 以及美国救援计划(ARP)的农村分配.

总拨款为1780亿元, PRF付款分阶段分发给符合条件的供应商, 确保医院, 诊所, 其他保健设施也得到必要的财政援助.

2021年的《明升体育app下载》提供了额外的8美元.50亿美元专门用于农村卫生保健提供者. 该基金旨在弥补因COVID-19造成的费用和收入损失, 重点是支持服务不足的农村社区. Underst和ing the ARP’s specific provisions 和 financial allocations helps providers maximize their benefits.


保持符合PRF和ARP标准, 医疗保健提供者必须遵循特定的报告规则. 重点关注与COVID-19相关的费用或收入损失, 报告必须详细说明这笔钱是如何使用的. 的 卫生资源和服务管理局 (HRSA) stipulates that providers need to submit accurate revenue information by the deadline.


审计ing is a critical component of the PRF 和 ARP programs to ensure funds are used appropriately. Maintaining complete records 和 documentation of all income 和 expenses helps providers be ready for audits. Typical audit findings include discrepancies in revenue calculations 和 unsupported claims. Being proactive in underst和ing 和 preparing for these audits can help providers prevent possible problems 和 fines.

Providers who received over $750,000 PRF are also subject to a compliance audit. Commercial organizations have two options in fulfilling the audit requirement:

  1.  An audit in conformance with the requirements of 45 CFR 75 Subpart F (single audit), or
  2.  对奖项或奖项进行财务审计 政府审计准则.

Many organizations have been through their first compliance audit for the HHS awards. 以下是在这些审计中发现的一些常见合规审计问题:

  1. 缺少或不正确的信息- 审计ors are required to agree with certain line items of the HRSA PRF portal submission to the underlying detail. 在某些情况下, 供应商无法提供支持细节, or the supporting details provided did not agree with what was reported in the submission.
  2. 费用报告 – Expenses reported in the HRSA PRF portal submission as “Other PRF Expenses” should only include the PRF expenses for that reporting period. 这些不应该是累积的.
  3. 替代性合理方法论叙事 – 的 narrative included for the lost revenue calculation did not support the calculation or did not include an explanation of why the methodology was reasonable for the circumstances 和 how the lost revenues were attributable to COVID-19.

As providers prepare for the next round of compliance audits, below is information to keep in mind:

  1. Ensure all HHS award information is readily available 和 supports amounts reported in the HRSA PRF portal.
  2. Ensure policies 和 procedures surrounding the funding are documented 和 accurately depict the use of the funds 和 the controls in place over the funds.
  3. 审查相关的遵从性需求. 的 OMB releases a compliance supplement that details the compliance requirements for the funds. Providers should review these to gain a better underst和ing of the testing to be performed as part of the compliance audit.


Providers often face challenges such as complex reporting requirements 和 stringent audit procedures. 解决方案包括:

  • 实施强有力的内部控制以跟踪资金使用情况.
  • 定期检讨合规性指引.
  • 寻求专业协助,以获得准确的报告和审计准备.
  • Learning from real-world case studies where providers successfully navigated the reporting 和 auditing process.



Ensuring 合规 with Provider Relief Fund 和 American Rescue Plan Requirements for 医疗保健 Providers

合规 with the Provider Relief Fund 和 American Rescue Plan reporting 和 auditing requirements is essential for healthcare providers. Providers can ensure proper fund utilization 和 avoid potential penalties by underst和ing these requirements, 保持准确的记录, 利用现有资源. Staying informed 和 proactive in compliance efforts will help providers maximize the benefits of these vital financial support programs.

HHS continues to release updated frequently asked questions to assist providers in reporting 和 underst和ing the audit requirements for the awards. 供应商被敦促继续监控 美国卫生和公众服务部网站 的更新.


LBMC has a dedicated PRF team available to assist organizations with reporting 和 compliance audits. 请明升体育app下载的团队 to ensure your organization meets the necessary st和ards 和 maximizes the benefits of these financial support programs.

内容由LBMC提供 考特尼巴赫 和 劳拉·麦格雷戈

考特尼巴赫 is a Shareholder in the 审计 division of LBMC, focusing primarily on the healthcare industry. 可以联系到她 考特尼.bach@hostelleriedusuroit.com or 615-309-2481.

劳拉·麦格雷戈 is a Shareholder in the 审计 division of LBMC, focusing primarily on the healthcare industry. 可以通过劳拉·麦格雷戈联系到她 劳拉.mcgregor@hostelleriedusuroit.com or 615-309-2289.